Create data labels in powerpoint for mac 2011
Create data labels in powerpoint for mac 2011

For more information about macros, see Data label macros. You can insert macros here by clicking the "+" button and selecting the desired macro. (Optional) Enter the desired text in the Text field. In Chart Properties, click Data Label Settings. Open the Analyzer for the chart you want to edit. To turn on and customize data labels for most chart types, These options do not work unless you enter text in Data Label Settings > Text. (One exception to this is Sankey charts, in which data labels are on by default unless you hide them.) These are also found in Chart Properties > Data Label Settings. There are a number of options you can use to customize data labels. In most chart types that allow data labels, you turn on data labels by entering the desired data label text Data Label Settings > Text in Chart Properties. These differences will be explained in continuation. Some chart types have different behavior than that explained above. Including both data labels and customized hovers by specifying both data label and hover text in Chart Properties. Default hover text also appears when viewers mouse over chart elements.Ĭhanging the default hover text by specifying your own text in the Hover Text Settings > Text property in Chart Properties. This causes data labels to always appear. Turning on data labels by entering the desired label text in Data Label Settings > Text in Chart Properties. You can change this default behavior by doing any of the following:

create data labels in powerpoint for mac 2011

Using hovers rather than data labels may make identifying exact values more time-consuming however, this also makes a chart look more clean and professional.īy default, most charts use hovers, not data labels, to show the most important information for each chart element. Hovers, by contrast, appear only when a viewer mouses over a chart element. This makes it easy for viewers to see information quickly but may also cause a chart to appear cluttered. Data labels, when turned on, always appear for every element in a chart.

create data labels in powerpoint for mac 2011

However, they differ in the way they present this information. Data labels and hovers in charts have the same purpose-to show the value of a chart element such as a bar, bubble, etc.

Create data labels in powerpoint for mac 2011